Monday, May 15, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

This one goes out to all the moms and nearly-moms, including my Mom, Ashley, Grandma Holmes, Grandma Nelson, Grandma Wilson, Becky, Aunt Bobbie, Aunt Janet, Aunt Ginny, Aunt Ann, Carla, Julie, Anna, Marsha, Diane, Hayley, Echo, Alison, Kathie, and all the others out there. May the good vibes from this blog leap out of the blogosphere into your homes....okay that sounds kinda weird, but you get my meaning. In honor of today, here's a link to some interesting info about the history of Mother's Day. An excerpt:

In the United States, Mother's Day was originally conceived by social activist Julia Ward Howe during the American Civil War with a call to unite women against war. She wrote the Mother's Day Proclomation. In the United States, the day now simply celebrates motherhood and thanking mothers.

Kick ass stuff! Happy Mother's Day!

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