Saturday, July 05, 2008

365 # 5: Travis S.

We were both well aware of the fact that we ran in very different crowds back in the "real" world. You were on your way to the all out UT frat boy lifestyle, while I already had a year of college under my belt and had decided that fraternities were for idiots. But in the insulated world of summer camp, you and I were our own little clique. You could usually be found hanging out in one of the many lawn chairs that adorned the front of my tent, and you nearly always had cigarettes. Most of our conversations revolved around girls in one way or another. You came by one day with the first Foo Fighters album and played it for me, and I automatically decided to hate it on principle, even though I liked it. One weekend while we were off duty, you and I decided that we were going to hike all the way from River Camp to the scenic overlook on Ranch Road 32. Due to the lack of a trail, we had to bushwhack our way up that last hill, then crawl underneath the fence, much to the obvious surprise of the families who were taking a break from their minivans and enjoying the view of the Devil's Backbone. We must have looked like we had just escaped from somewhere. I guess we sorta had.

1 comment:

sybil law said...

I love the Foo Fighters!