Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The revealing of new baby's name

No, not his real name, silly. It's much too soon to be sharing such privileged information, even with loyal readers such as yourself. All apologies.

But the baby does have his official in utero name. It was actually Henry's idea, in a way. See, when there's something that Henry's got that he likes, and he's suddenly out of it, he does not hesitate to ask for more. As in "moa!" Or the more common "mo mo [insert item Henry wants here, raising the last syllable slightly as if one were asking a question, or as if one were speaking with an Irish accent]." If Henry runs out of milk and must have more, it's "mo mo mano!" (mano = milk in Henryese...or is it Henryish?) If he scarfs down all the beef on his plate without giving any to the dog, we hear "mo mo beef!" If I'm swinging him around the room and yelling "Wheeee!" as part of the little game we play called "Wheee!" but then dare to put him down, I get demands of "mo mo whee!" Which is hilarious since the kid is visibly dizzy, stumbling like a drunken toddler across the floor.

If the song ends, casting us into musicless silence, it's just "moa." He doesn't yet have a word for the nicely put-together sounds that come out of the speakers.

So I figured, since there will be more baby around to love, new baby may be referred to as Momo. As in "mo mo baby!"

Plenty dopey, I know, but it only has to last while he's baking. Once he's made it out into the world with us, little Sherman Washington or Justus Aurelius or Apollo Marcon or whatever the new little Holmes comes to be called (you like our short list?) can ditch his womb moniker for good.


Whit said...

If he wants to, he may think "mo mo baby" has a nice ring to it. And he'd be right.

CamiKaos said...

Momo could be totally valid. Maurice Montgomery for instance... Moe Moe... or momo.

I'm sorry I couldn't type any of that with a straight face. It is totally cute though.

Anonymous said...

Mo money mo money. I hope this baby makes some phat cash.

Anonymous said...

It's cute!

Mo mo Holmes posts!

Anonymous said...

Ava doesn't say more, her word is 'done'. Had enough to eat? Done! Don't want to be washed up after lunch? Done.

I'm down with not revealing the name, mostly cause it drives my sister in law nuts. Or when people ask, outrageous fake names. Wolfbucket. Hephsibah. Brunhilda.

Carol said...

Congrats! I just found out you are going to have a new "Holmes" mo mo babies....

Jonathon Morgan said...

The best is when you get to debate with your fellow parent(s -- in my case) in order to figur out just what the hell your baby's jibberish means.

Bubblewench said...

mo mo is adorable.

Also the name of my cat. :)

Marsha said...

That is precious. I here 'more' a lot too. Except Jackson mostly says "more chocklat peese!" He loves chocolate and knows that he is more likely to get it if he says please. I guess I have taught him some manners along with giving him my sweet tooth.

Karen said...

Check out the book "Momo" by Michael Ende (he wrote "The Neverending Story"). Henry may be on to something here.