Monday, August 14, 2006

I Got 99 Projects...

...and a fence is one.

So we're selling our house, which means that I'm currently in the midst of house preparation hell. This weekend, me and my neighbor Mike with whom I share the back fence tore down said property marker and got to work on a new one. My buddy Andy came out for some of the fun too. That made for a sweaty backbreaking blistering weekend, I assure you. And that's just one of the projects we've got going on. I had this brief fear that Ashley hatched this plot with a real estate agent to trick me into agreeing to all these home improvement projects, and after they're all done, it'll be a great big "Just kidding! We're staying!" Maybe she even got Mike in on it. Maybe even Andy! That'd be fucked up.

So Saturday night, our friend Erin was over for dinner because she'd come over to help slap up some paint, and we got to talking about kid's memories, about how we carry lots of memories with us that we don't consciously remember. Like songs for instance. It's a well known fact that people grow up to have a certain knowledge or affinity for music that they heard repeatedly as babies, or even in the womb. Henry hears lots of music, but over the course of his first 9 months, I seem to have narrowed down a particular list of songs that are more guaranteed to get him to sleep. Thus, he may end up knowing the words to the following and have no idea why (and my apologies to future grown-up Henry for a few of these, but not all):

- "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" by Hank Williams
- "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain" by Willie Nelson
- "Pancho and Lefty" by Townes Van Zandt
- "Margaritaville" by Jimmy Buffett (okay, apologies to Henry on this one, but dammit, it seems to knock him out about 80 - 90% of the time...I've really developed a love-hate relationship with this song, with the pendulum swinging strongly towards hate).
- "Desperado" by The Eagles (I'll shush you if you talk over this song)
- "Give My Love To Rose" by Johnny Cash
- "Summertime Rolls" by Jane's Addiction
- "Minerva" by the Deftones (this is a recent addition to the repertoire, since it was getting too full of country songs).

So yeah, there ya have it. There are others, but these seem to be the starting lineup. Between my awesome vocal stylings and a shot of breastmilk, that kid's out like a light. Except when he's not.

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