Monday, June 30, 2008

Cast of Characters

So it's become painfully obvious to me that the blogging has fallen off a bit over the past few months. I've written it off time and again to simply being busy, having more pressing priorities, simply not having the time or energy...all of which are true to an extent. But the fact is, those things will probably always be true. Such is this thing called life.

But the other fact is that I miss it. Not blogging so much, but the writing. I started blogging in the first place not so much to blog, but to write. I guess that implies a distinction between the two, but whatever. Point is, I'm in need of a little kick in the ass. Not in the balls, mind you, as such a blow would not provide the motivation I'm looking for. No, what I need is a good old fashioned writing exercise, something that will provide me with enough fodder to get going and will make sure I do it every day.

And what better fodder than one's own life and the people who have walked through it, leaving behind little traces of themselves by which they may be remembered? With that in mind, I've decided to turn the pages of my life's script back to the first few pages where the cast is listed and start remembering each character one by one. It's a project called x365 created by a guy named Dan Waber, and I've been wanting to do it for some time now. I thought about waiting until my birthday to start, but dammit, that's then and now is now. So starting tomorrow, and going for the next year, I'll be writing about one person per day, people who I've met, known, liked, disliked, friends, enemies, frenemies, etc. That's 365 posts about 365 people who have made some kind of an impression in my life. It's a daunting thought. Have I known that many people? Surely I have. So can I remember that many? Guess I'll find out.

Tune in tomorrow for my x365 # 1. Oh and Dan, thanks for such a great idea.


CamiKaos said...

that's an inspiring idea! I love it.

Bubblewench said...

Wow! I totally respect this! Good luck. Looking forward to your personal 'cast of characters' I have a feeling there will be quite a few!

sybil law said...

That is a fantastic idea!!!

Pearl said...

yes, it's a good kick in the pants for me too. glad to see someone else aboard.

Keith said...

Apparently I haven't been here in a little while. I missed the part where you lost your mind and decided to write about 365 people over 365 days. That's quite a bit of catching up I have to do. Is there a highlight reel?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I have some serious catching up to do, too. I've been slacking on blog reading lately. Great idea with this project!