Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Flower Child

He did this himself. For real real.

The boy has discovered the joy of plastering stickers all over everything. Y'oughtta see The Ash's pregnant belly. Covered in stickers! Maybe she'll post 'em.

This is perhaps a rather unceremonious way of bringing an end to a lengthy blogging hiatus, but ceremony is often a rather rotten plank to stand on. Suffice it to say that I've been busy. Not just the writing, but the blog reading and commenting has waned. Which is kinda sad seeing as how it was NaBloPoMo and all. I've decided that since participation in NaBloPoMo was a non-possibility for me, I'm going to make January into Holmes Blog Posting Month, or HoBloPoMo for short. It ain't my fault how dirty that sounds. Why January, you ask? For one, we'll have a new baby, which is sure to provide fodder for at least one, maybe two whole posts. Secondly, my birthday happens in January, which makes for at least one post where you can all leave comments of a happy birthday nature. Third, um, yeah. January is HoBloPoMo. If any o' y'all got any free time on your hands and want to design a HoBloPoMo logo for me (that is not completely X-rated), I'll be your best friend.

I don't mind telling you, this has been a challenging semester. Not only has the coursework been challenging, there was also this interesting interplay between the two different disciplines, the strictly secular psychology on the one hand, and the theology on the other. They pulled my brain in different directions...which is not to say that they conflicted, but rather that they inspired and required very different types of thinking, both in form and content. But interestingly enough, they intersected in some unexpected ways. They both ask questions about concepts like "natural" and "freedom." They both ask questions about how we can help those in need. And arriving at an absolute in either one is a sure sign that there is something you're probably missing.

But I finished my last paper about thirty minutes ago. The shit ain't spellchecked, maybe I'll remember to do so before I print it out, maybe not. I'm just sitting here enjoying my Anchor Steam Christmas (thanks again, Whit) and relishing the fact that I'm about to hit the Publish Post button for the first time in weeks.


Dan said...


Damn, I peaked too soon.

Brandon Paul Salinas said...

welcome back, jackass.

also, we bought you and the missus a tiny present in england. one of these days we might give it to you.

CamiKaos said...

Dan totally stole what I was gonna say... but Welcome home and come by my place to pick up an award.

Bubblewench said...

Welcome back! You were missed...

HoBloPoMo? You sure? HOMOBLOPO? BLOMOLOPODOH? HOBLOPOPO? Just trying to keep it interesting.

Yaniv said...

I can't wait for a month's worth of photos of you blowing hobos. That will be...awesome.

Whit said...

Glad you like it!

Oh so deep thoughts- I thought you were Jack Handy.

sybil law said...

You blow Mo the hobo?! What?!
I love the sticker picture. Don't let him get ahold of stamps. Gilda once took a brand new pack of those self sticking stamps and plastered them on the bathroom tiled wall while I showered. They were cute hearts. Grrrrrrrrrr haha.
Congrats on surviving these past few months!
I can't wait to read baby fodder...